The Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association is an association consisting of parents of children attending any Government school together with other residents of the district served by the school who are interested in the welfare of the school.
How do I become a member?
Any person eligible for membership may become a member or renew membership by paying the required membership fee of $1.00 to the Treasurer or nominee of the Treasurer after any general meeting. Membership shall remain current until the close of the annual general meeting in the following year.
The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date register of membership. You can attend meetings without being a member but you cannot vote without being a financial member, nor can you hold a position.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct applies to all members or attendees of Katoomba North Public School Parents and Citizens Association (KNPS P& C Assoc.) while acting in their official and/or voluntary capacity. Members or attendees should familiarise themselves with this Code of Conduct and endeavour to ensure that its principles are observed at all times.
Code of Conduct 2010 (DOC 69KB)
Discrimination and Harassment Policy
Discrimination and Harassment(DOC 60KB)
Katoomba North Public School P&C Association recognises it is the right of every member/attendee to be able to attend meetings and to perform their duties without being subjected to any form of discrimination or harassment.
Equally, it is the obligation and responsibility of every member/attendee to ensure that the P&C is free from discrimination and harassment.
Katoomba North Public School P&C Association is fully committed to its obligations to eliminate discrimination and harassment.
The purpose of this document is to outline Katoomba North Public School P&C Association's position on discrimination and harassment and to document the process which is to be followed should any grievances arise.
Fundraising information
Further details of new activities will be posted closer to the events.
By laws
Committee members
President: Kazzia Kelly
Secretary: Charity Mirow
Treasurer: Nikolai Liu
Uniform Manager: Caroline Gilligan Payne